His Testimony provides real stories about what the Lord is doing in the lives of His people.
Elana Brownfield
September 7, 2024
Soon we will be hosting our Beauty for Ashes women’s heart healing art retreat at Bramabella in Moravian Falls, North Carolina! I was so blessed to get a peek at the property to assist ....
At age thirty-eight, I was living with my mother, and I was engaged to a woman for three years. At this point I was drinking two fifths of vodka a day and I was near death.
From birth, my dad wanted me to be a boy. So, to his disappointment, he still raised me to be like one. I had boy toys, clothes, and haircuts. I also suffered physical and emotional abuse by ....
My thoughts just moved so quickly: What do you have to say to other people? How can you compare to your friends’ blogs? There are so many blogs out there. Yours will mean nothing. Like my daughter sprinting down the hall, I allowed my thoughts to run wild, stating ....
Walk Not Run Part One Writing a blog is my yes to God. I clearly have no idea what He has in store or how I make this plan work, but He knows and that’s good enough for me.
I was raised in a loving Christian home where my parents taught me to love and serve God. My mom and Grammie had the most significant impact on my relationship with Jesus ....
I was born in Tucson, Arizona in a small community as a Mexican-American in a family of ten. My younger years were hard. Being in a Mexican-American family with a mostly white neighbors ....
Almost two years ago, I went on a weekend retreat with several of my friends. My intention was to relax and spend time with close friends and pray for our increasingly crazy world.
It's a choice to accept Jesus, but refusing to fully surrender or walk in it makes the conversion void. Accepting Christ as your Lord and Savior, you are washed and been made pure only if you surrender ....
Can you be gay and Christian Part One “Can you be gay and Christian?” I bet you have heard this question thrown around a lot, especially in the past couple decades. However, to get more in depth at the risk of honest ....
I learned that I don’t have to compare myself to others; God made me uniquely with a voice of my own to speak His message through art! I am not a starving artist! God gives me all I need ....
From a time before I can even remember, I have always loved art. My mom told me that as soon as I was able to pick up a pen, I would draw. Through the years of growing up and having to ....
It’s just You and me here in the dark. The bold, faith-filled proclamations made in the light slink back into a corner of quiet loneliness as night creeps in. The night sits heavy on my chest.
My husband is a very hard worker and works long hours some days. He is in recovery and attends quite a few meetings during the week, which is awesome! I found myself thinking one day ....
One of a night of few weeks ago at where I live, many of us were awakened by the sound of severe weather, tornado warnings and sirens. I for one was scared and grabbed my son, some flashlights, blankets ....
How does one fix such a broken cycle? We see in Scriptures generational curses and blessings go from one generation to the next.... We see that lived out within our families...
Family is awesome when we get along. Practice forgiveness and talk through anything that is bothering you so you can fellowship together anytime sharing the Love of God, Our Father.
Do you do a word for the year? Our church does which this year is go and tell, and often times I hear talk amongst our friends and spiritual family of a word the Lord gave them. I didn’t really seek one out if I am being honest.
The stroke and FMD changed my life and my relationships forever. I might have been designed for endurance, but my husband wasn’t. My twenty-eight years marriage ended. In every way imaginable ....
For a hot second they determined that, although my condition was critical, surgery was impossible. The plan was for me to live the rest of my life flat on my back, unable to safely lift or turn my head.
It seemed like there wasn’t any part of my life or my relationships that weren’t blessed by my new sports. This is what I did for fun! I was saved! Everything wasn’t perfect, but ....
“What do you like to do for fun?” My goodness I used to hate that question. I never had an answer. I didn’t have “fun”. I took care of my husband and my kids full time, and my likes or needs were not a priority.
When I was a young girl, about 6 years old, I was dropped off at church along with my brother. Mom would stay for church sometimes, but not often. That is when I actually fell in love with Jesus. I loved hearing about Him and singing ....
In the waiting room, waiting to be called back for my CT scan and I realize I am in the room by the vending machines and sitting on the same couch I sat on the day of my colonoscopy, when they sent us here and I was diagnosed with cancer.
The idea of serving has been so heavy on my heart recently and has been the focus of so many conversations I’ve been having. Honestly, I have been discouraged by the lack of serving I see in the American church as a whole. I don’t want to just focus on ....
The Bible goes on to share in 1 Corinthians 10:13 (ESV), “There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that you are able; but will with the temptation also make a way ....
I am sure more than I have found comfort in knowing, or thinking, that God had a Plan “B” for our lives. A backup plan for Him to put into place should we not go according to His original Plan “A”. I have chosen Plan “B” more times ....
My family has always come together every Fall for some sort of a family reunion type of event. For many years it was to make our traditional apple butter. This year my oldest brother planned a day trip to the New York Finger Lakes where we had dinner ....
I feel pretty confident that everyone reading this knows that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that He was born of a virgin, grew up in Nazareth, performed miracles, healed, cast out demons, and raised people from the dead.
Many might have been confused as to why I am doing this, it seemed illogical and maybe even foolish in every way. There were times when I felt a lot of fear of the unknown and doubts about this, but despite that I took that huge leap of faith.
God truly hears us when we pray. For those who don't know me, I have suffered with chronic back pain for over thirty years. Along with having Fibromyalgia and other issues some days, I want to quit. Yes, I said it, but I can't because I know my God is a ....
In 2015, when I was living in Mumbai during the month of December, there was suddenly some shortage of water supply taking place. It was like a bit of a dry season. Well, it was a Muslim area that God led me to live in during those years.
One Thursday night at my Sunday church midweek service a friend of mine shared a testimony that has been heavy on my heart all week. She recently began end-of-life care as a private duty caregiver and had her first ....
In 2009, I had a spiritual father who encouraged me to paint in corporate worship gatherings. One Sunday, I decided I would try painting in the evening worship service. As I sat in the morning service seeking the Lord as to what He wanted me to ....
In 1993, I married the love of my life. And within one month had also encountered the One who is Love. I had a supernatural encounter with God right on the couch in the living room of our small apartment in Vista, California. I first began the journey of ....
As I enjoyed this beautiful Christmas Day in Lancaster, I was reflecting on God’s love for me, for all of us, humans. His love for us is so great that He was willing to die for our sins so that those who believe in Him will have eternal life.
Amanda began walking with the Lord in 2011. Her faith started quietly in a college dorm room. A couple of years later, Amanda met her husband, Chris. It wasn’t love at first sight, but instead took two years for their relationship to begin because Chris
God sees every tear and sees my heart that even though I have been unfaithful sometimes. He stayed faithful with all His love, and He stayed patiently with arm open wide. There is no condemnation only acceptance, and assurance for a greater ....
I was so devastated that I allowed my anger to get the best of me. A family member was in Richmond on this day and telephoned me just as this was transpiring. I was so upset on the telephone that they wanted to drive from Richmond to where I was.
Last night as I was luxuriating in a hot bath and reading an article by one of my favorite pastors, it opened up a memory I cannot believe I ever forgot. But, as with most people, God does something truly remarkable for us … years pass … we find ....
I was watching TV when a wedding band commercial came on that was saying how "the never-ending symbol of love is a diamond ring". And in another commercial they talk about how fake diamonds can make a woman "feel like she's powerful or
My name is Heather. I have a deep faith and love for Jesus. I am so grateful that He opened this door to work with this wonderful movement and ministry. I am "all in" for Jesus. So where do I start?
When I first believed in Christ I owned a media and marketing company. We produced shows, did graphics design, marketing, event planning... And one of the requirements of working in that industry was to dress accordingly.
I don't know about you, but I am always trying to better myself. My relationship with God, being a wife, mom and friend. To do that, I have to allow my current self to adapt, change and let God mold me into the person He wants me to be.
I am often discontented and restless in this world I inhabit, the spirit within me drowned by the reality about me. I love the truth in the quote “we are spiritual beings having a human experience.” Sometimes I get it twisted. My body makes my ....
It was halfway through the previews when my childhood best friend Amanda and I stumbled through the dark theater, leaving a trail of spilled popcorn, tipsy off laughs and shared margarita flights. We were meeting our sisters and moms on ....
The scene changed. In my spirit, I saw His Bride was brought to an enclosed garden; an abiding place, where she was separated to become alone with her Bridegroom, so their love might grow and thus transform her and ultimately ....
I knew when those called to their roles were sent forth, after having gone through a time of consecrations and inner transformation, they would not function in the ways we think or have become used to. These marks of the apostles and prophets ....
This Prophecy has been unfolding in my life and in the lives of others I have met since I received it in 1990. It came to me in a symbolic language for those with ears to hear and eyes to see ....