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REBUILD AND EQUIP : Calling ALL Soldiers

“I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.” -Alexander The Great


The world may say our gentleness and meekness are weaknesses, yet they are in fact a STRENGTH! They are strength that comes from the gentleness and kindness of our Lord Jesus! Strength to forgive and to admit our wrongdoings and repent. Strength that when we stand at the edge of the cliff, we will jump when the Lord says to trust Him! Strength to let go so that the Lord can raise us up! Strength so that we are not broken when hardship comes, nor do we worry when we face adversity! Strength because we know who our Leader is. The One who loves us and who lives within us! The Lion is with us and we are with Him!!! He is none other than the Lord God Almighty - Jesus is His name! Are we awake or are we sleeping? Do you see His glory and knowing the time is coming? (Luke 9:32) It is time to fill your horn with oil, with the authority and anointing of the Holy Spirit. (1 Samuel 16:1)


Date: Saturday March 22nd, 2025            Cost: This is a FREE Event


Time: 9:00AM - 1:00PM, Doors Open at 8:30AM


Location: Salem First Christian Church - 1151 E. 6th St. Salem OH


Childcare will be available for children nine and under!

Register To Attend The 2025 ALL IN Women's Conference

Coria Brock, Key Note Speaker

How should I start? With the day the Lord rescued me and found me in the dumpsite, cleaned me, and showed me He is my Father? Or maybe with the process of how the Lord tore my life down and rebuilt it like Legos? Maybe I should share the calling and the passion that God has prepared and laid in my heart? Or maybe with the stories about how God told me that I am His Rose, or how I am a pearl not a piece of trash and a key to open doors? Should I mention how being ALL IN for Christ changed my life, or perhaps how my life is His testimony…


Hi, I am Coria, and I am just like many of you. I have walked though the shadow of death and now I recognize the path I walked through is a blooming valley. I enjoy and rejoice in each day because I know they are in the hands of God, and my prayer is that His purpose in and through me be fulfilled daily. By the Lord’s blessing, I am now in His big family. I am blessed with friendships I never thought I could have and have been restored to be His precious princess. In this moment, I am content with my Lord Jesus and His word and with the coffee He has rewarded me with for being like a sheep who follows the voice of the Shepherd.


Coria is Co-Founder of Life With Christ Ministries. To read more about her click here. 

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Brittany Ross, Guest Speaker

Brittany Ross is a sold out lover of Jesus Christ, who laid claim to her heart when she was seven years old. Through the ups and downs of life, rebellious teenagers years, great disappointments and triumphs, failures and successes, Brittany has stumbled along in her faith, clinging to the finished work of Jesus, trusting Him to complete the work He’s began in her.


The last year brought an unexpected transition in Brittany’s life with the death of her marriage. She’s learning to let go, embrace the messiness of her story and surrender her whole self into Jesus’ hands— no longer trusting in an outcome, but trusting in a Person. Brittany resides in East Liverpool with her four wonderful children, whom spur her on as she walks out her faith in the hardest of times. She has a passion for words and bringing glory to God through her gift of writing and authenticity.


You can read her blog at

Rachel Jones, Guest Speaker

I’m Rachel, wife, mom, nurse. But first, a daughter of the King!


God created us each so unique and with individual purposes that only we are called to fulfill. My desire is to see individuals, as well as the Church, walk in their original created identity to fulfill this specific call and purpose. Doing this without reservation and therefore impacting the world in the way that only they can!


As a registered nurse, turned natural health advocate, I love helping individuals get to the root of their issues and experience health and healing... mind, body and soul. After experiencing my own health crisis that left me desperate for healing, I quickly realized that much of our healing and freedom can come by simply accessing what we've already been given by our gracious Heavenly Father.


My hope and prayer is that every individual would experience the beauty of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and come into the freedom, fullness and purpose that He paid to give them by the promised Holy Spirit. Our guarantee and sealer of our identity!

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Chloe Morrow, Worship

Another beautiful lady - Chole Morrow - who will lead us into the worship with spirit and truth on our ALL IN Women Seminar night:


I was asked to describe my love for worship and I became overwhelmed with the amount of reasons that came to mind.


There is something about worship that is in all of us that God placed there, but if we don’t let it out then the rocks will (Luke 19:40). So, I worship because He is my rock & He deserves it all! I find when the words don’t come in my prayers, I go to worship and just let it all out to Him and He meets me right where I’m at.


Chloe will also be joined by a full worship team. 

Leslie Wittenmyer, Prophetic Artist

Hello, my name is Leslie Wittenmyer. Ever since I could pick up a marker and draw, I have loved art. It seems to have always been a part of me. With various trials and the grace of God, I have made it to where I am today. I enjoy painting with acrylics and drawing. I get my inspiration from a creative God and his beauty that surrounds us. I have submitted art to the Columbiana county fair and participated in the Artisans against domestic violence, art exhibit in 2020, 2021, and 2022. This is my second seminar and I have been invited to to use my gifts for the Lord. My hopes are that the Lord would use my gifts to speak prophetically into peoples lives what God needs them to know. I am honored to serve in this manner for my Father, and pray that he would receive all the glory. Amen.


Leslie is also an Author of The Fruitful Women Devotional . To read more about her click here.


Marci Burgett, Prophetic Artist

Marci is a prophetic artist and gifted sister in Christ - who will prepare us walk in the entrance with her prophetic art in ALL IN Women Seminar night:


My name is Marci. I have been creating as long as I can remember. I always loved art class and any art related activity in school. Being creative is my happy place and something I enjoy improving on.


I love to create songs for my children, multi media pieces and even get creative with my cupcakes. I sincerely believe my creativity is a gift from my God and I am so excited when I get to use my gift for Him. My heavenly Father gives me ideas and mental pictures to create. It has been an exhilarating and satisfying journey for to learn who I am in Him and what my abilities are for. It is a never ending journey of discovery and I can't wait to see what comes next!

Mary Davidson, Prophetic Artist

My name is Mary Davidson. I am happy to share that I am a ‘born again’ follower of Jesus Christ, my Savior and King. And because He is such a big part of my life and my creativeness, I have become a Christian Artist.


As a young girl, I always had pencil and paper close by to doodle on. All I wanted to be was an Artist! I couldn’t wait to learn all about ‘art’! I wanted to draw cartoony stuff and be a great design painter. But as life would have it, my parents couldn’t afford Art school, but that’s okay, because I just kept doodling believing one day…something would come of it. Then, in early in 2020, when I had been drawn to ‘draw scripture’ as I listened to it being spoken in sermons. Verses were attaching themselves to me…to my life…answering questions, giving me direction. It took me awhile to realize, God was going to teach me art, while He was teaching me His story. The guidance the Holy Spirit has given me on my journey, is amazingly as simple as seeing/hearing a verse at the exact moment that I needed it! 

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Monica Caimano, ASL Interpreter

Greetings! My name is Monica Caimano. My salvation started at the age of 35, September 2015. I have followed Jesus ever since. Right after highschool I went to Gallaudet University, an all Deaf campus. This was when I learned American Sign Language (ASL). ASL became my second language and I have fallen in love with wanting to translate Jesus' Word and worship into ASL.


My passion is translating God's Word to ASL and posting them on social media platforms. Jesus commands us to “go and make disciples” of all nations. What does He mean by this? He wants us to go out and evangelize/witness to nonbelievers and help them come to faith in Jesus Christ. All Nations translate to 'all peoples' from the original Greek language. So this doesn't mean 'countries' as we understand it in the English language. Since this isn't just for foreign missions', this is why I was led to translate God's Word to ASL. I pray for my brothers and sisters who I never met and know the other 300 and plus sign languages would be sensitive to hearing Holy Spirit to also translate these sign languages as well.

Prayer Room

There will be a room dedicated to prayer available during certain potions of the event which will be staffed by volunteers from Heartbeat of Columbiana County. Anyone in attendance will be able to go to the prayer room and pray with one of the volunteers. 

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