The ALL IN Movement
Ephesians 1:18-21, NIV
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength he exerted when he raised Christ from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked, not only in the present age but also in the one to come."
​ALL IN is a statement for any woman who believes and trusts in the Lord Jesus, declares that they will stand and go for the name of Jesus and shares the heart of the KING to serve in His purpose and to love His people. Women who are ALL IN live in the identity Christ has given them, which is to be His co-heir, a princess of the Most High. Women who are ALL IN have received the call Jesus has for them, and with no fear of the challenges in this fallen world, move forward by faith in His words and promises.
Women who are ALL IN fight in the battle for the name of Jesus, for the glory of the Father, and in the leading of the Holy Spirit. Women who are ALL IN have pick up the sword, are determined to take back the land for the King, and they continue moving forward into the victory of Jesus.

*Preview of the first class teaching video
The purpose of the ALL IN Movement is raise women up to become the who they were created to be. To become warriors for Christ who will serve Him by going into the battlefield to take the land from the enemy. In order to do this, the movement focuses on helping women develop a sacrificial love for Jesus and then showing them how they can express that love through sacrificial faith.
Vision of The ALL IN Movement
It all began from the undeniable love that the Father revealed to me…
“This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.”
1 John 4:10, NIV
Many people have said that the journey that I am walking along with Jesus is the path of “Faith”. But I know deeply in my heart that it is actually a path of “Love”. It is the path on which Jesus has taken my hand and walked with me. In Him, there are always adventures. He has led me to cross the sea, rise above the waves, climb to the mountain tops, stop by the valley of death and sit beside the well. Because of this and because of this love, I am right there with Him wherever He is and wherever He goes.
​​That love produces the faith that others see…. How deep our love is determines how deep we walk in faith with Christ.
In early 2014, I heard God asking me to start a Facebook page as the beginning of the mission of “The Fruitful Women”. This page would provide devotionals for revealing the truth to encourage and build women in their walk with Jesus on a daily basis. When I heard God call me to start this, I honestly did not know what to do next. In my heart, I believed this is not only about a devotional writing, but it would be a mission and a movement. But, how is it possible that this could develop into a mission and a movement? I did not try to figure it out, but instead I simply trusted in the Word of our God:
Isaiah 55:11, NIV
“So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding {in the matter} for which I sent it.”
On January 23rd, 2016, after I had married, and as God instructed my husband and I, The Fruitful Women Online Magazine was launched. As the days, months, and years passed the services we provide (as God’s will) expanded into many other things. Speaking in conferences, holding women’s tea parties, knitting scarves and making cookies to reach out to local communities… to bring truth and share the love of Jesus to whoever we can engage with. Somehow, I thought maybe these things were the mission and movement God had told me about.
From the first devotional I wrote in 2014, God faithfully led me in every step. I did all the things He asked me to do, but then one day in May 2020 He showed me in words and in visions what He truly meant when He told me it would be a “Movement”.
In the second year after I had accepted Christ, I had a vision while I worshipping Him with the song called “Beautiful” by Phil Wickham. I saw many, many, SO many people standing side by side with their arms locked together like a huge army moving forward under a red sky. I was one of them and I was in the first row, what I felt was that we were moving into a bloody battle field. There was no fear but instead we were all filled with an overwhelming love for Christ. We were united in heart and soul under One Spirit, and that was taking us deeper into the heart of Christ. In this very moment, I realized that this was what my heart was longing for – to live my life for Christ!
When God started to tell me about this movement, He did not only remind me of this specific vision, He also spoke to me multiple times saying, “Be a church, and build up women in Christ.” I then prayed to God that He would show me what I should do and how to know that I am in His perfect will. That same night, the Holy Spirit gave me confirmation and revealed His will to me through a dream.
As it was getting close to dawn, I began to have a dream/vision in which I was holding a notebook and women were coming forward to see me. I could tell everyone where they should go and what they should do because it was written in the notebook. When I was fully awake, the understanding of what this meant was also given to me…
Through the Holy Spirit I would be given a gift to discern and help those who have spiritual gift(s) and help them to recognize, understand, and learn how to use those gifts in faith and in the way God desired. In doing this, in this calling, I was being informed by God Himself, this is not a movement which would run for months or years, but that even on the day I am called home, it would still be going on, even until the earth passed away. (Quite intense, right?)
Okay then, before you continue to move on and learn more about this movement, I have a question for you that you need to answer for yourself.
Do you desire and seek to have a higher level of walk with Jesus? Are you aware that it will cost you everything?
If you have a clear and full answer to this question and can firmly stand on it without being shaken then you are ALL IN.