Shortly after Coria accepted Christ in 2008, God began to show her visions and prophetic words calling her to care for women and children in Africa. She hide these visions and words in her heart and waited upon the Lord. Then in 2020 He began to show her how He wanted her to do this.... by building Christ centered orphanages in Africa which would be operated by women who are trained disciples.

In preparation for this task, beginning in 2017 God began to send her to different countries in Africa. Through this experience she gained an understanding of the situation that many women and orphans face there.
​In order to move forward with this vision, God sent a team to Uganda in the summer of 2021. While there we connected with a school and orphanage in the town of Nebbi and we know that this is the place that we have been lead to work with. This requires a lot of prayer and an ear to hear Him and listen for His voice. We desire to go as He tells us to go and to learn and observe more about the people there and the culture. We need to train and equip women who will serve as the leaders of the orphanages and we also need time to build the physical buildings which will house the children and the leaders.

​The first project was to install a new lighting and electrical system at the school. When we visited the school there were no lights or electricity available and many of the rooms were dark and hard to work in. Moving forward we will continue to work on projects to provide new desks, materials, resources, and facility improvements.
After the lighting and electrical installation, the second step was to build and create new living space for more students and orphans. This was done so that the children can be safely housed and protected from the elements including rain and flooding waters. ​
The two most fundamental things that are needed, and the two ways in which you can help, is first to pray! Secondly, there is no doubt that we will also need financial resources in order for this to happen. If the Lord would lead you to join us in prayer for this effort, support it financially, or both, you may do so by going to the Support Us page.