Matthew 1:7, NLT
Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.
These tools for growth are available to everyone who desires to learn more about the Lord and His word. Currently we have three different lesson series which can all be accessed online. Information and links for these series are found below.
Foundation Lesson Series
The foundation lesson series, written by Pastor Christopher Brock, is comprised of five different sessions. These sessions are each centered around a fundamental question that is often asked by Christians and non-Christians as well. These teachings are intended to help the new believer lay a solid foundation on which to build and grow as well as encourage and challenge those who have believed for a long time to continue to learn and grow closer in their relationship with God. The first two of these sessions have been completed and are available for download below. The remaining three are in process and will be added as they are completed.
You can download the individual lessons to the right and you can also access the complete video series which goes along with these lessons. The video series is available on the Life With Christ TV page. Just look for the "Foundation Faith" series.
Prophecy Lesson Series
The prophecy training, written by Rev. Steward Murphy, discusses the gift of prophecy and it's biblical use. This material is something all Christians should understand. People on the receiving end of prophecy need to understand. Christians need to be able to explain the workings of prophecy to other people. This knowledge also protects an individual and a church from false prophets. This series is comprised of 5 different sessions will be expanded upon and each session will be added as they are completed.
Knowing The Voice of God Clearly Lesson Series
Message from the teacher, Rev. Steward Murphy
Years ago, when in conversation with Christian friends, each of us in turn expressed what we believed the Lord Jesus had been speaking to us individually.
In a fraction of time as I shared, in my mind I questioned myself, “Do I clearly know what and when the Lord speaks?”
I admitted to myself that I did not; not that I had never known when and what He had spoken. As a non-Christian, I had responded to His voice, excepting His death for me.
Too many times since though, I had lacked clarity and assurance. I was not alone in this dilemma. God did not leave me in that condition.
The Lord Jesus Christ taught me, changed me, and gave me clarity to know what and when He speaks. Join us for five classes on your way to understanding.
Life With Christ Sermon Series
Join Pastor Christopher Brock as he shares the Word of the Lord through online sermons. These sermons are available on Life With Christ TV. Once you are on the page just look for the Sermon Series.
Book of Acts Bible Study Series
This study is a systematic verse by verse deep dive into the language, history, geography, culture, and context of the book of Acts. This series is available on Life With Christ TV. Once you are on the page just look for the Acts Bible Study Series.