Elaine Gardner
November 30, 2024
Proverbs 16:9, New Living Translation
“We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps.”
A few weeks ago I was ready to make a life changing decision. I had it all planned out, and was positive it was what God was telling me to do.
I was in the middle of pursuing a career change and was ready to take a job that paid less and had fewer benefits, but it was with a faith-based company. In my mind I thought, how could this not be God's plan?!
Until one day, while putting clothes away of all things, the Holy Spirit clearly said: "Don't do it. You are making a mistake! You are being selfish putting your wants above your family needs.”
See, I have always carried the health insurance for our family and with this company, the health insurance would not be traditional and would have affected everyone in some way. As much as I didn't want to, I obeyed and stopped the process I was pretty deep into. As hard as it was, I trusted His plan.
Fast forward a week later and God literally handed me everything I had been praying for on a silver platter. A job with less hours, more money, and healthcare benefits! It seemed impossible that it was definitely one of those, "I know that was you Jesus!" He removed what I thought I wanted and replaced it with everything I needed. I can say I wake up in the morning feeling renewed, working at a place I called home for ten years, doing what I received my degree to do! It feels good and purposeful – and where I am supposed to be in this season.
I am saying all of that to say these things:
1. Never underestimate when and how God will speak to you! Sometimes it's during worship, other times when you are doing laundry. The key is to listen and be ready to receive it!
2. When you think you know best, you don't. Like seriously. Just be honest lol! Those little nudges of doubt you push to the side, listen and be obedient!
3. When we feel like we are missing out on good, it's because He has something great! I can't ever think of a time in my life where I lost something that wasn't restored or replaced with better. When you are in His will, it's always best!
4. God is concerned with every detail of your life and wants to talk with you about it! But remember, conversation goes both ways! He can't answer if you don't call on Him; He can't respond if your heart and ears aren't open!
He is so good!