Janet Molton Nicholson
March 9, 2024
Psalm 139:16, English Standard Version
“Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.”
There is No Plan “B” Part 1
I am sure more than I have found comfort in knowing, or thinking, that God had a Plan “B” for our lives. A backup plan for Him to put into place should we not go according to His original Plan “A”. I have chosen Plan “B” more times than I care to admit.
All day yesterday, for whatever reason, I kept dwelling on the fact that most of my Christian life ... since the age of forty-two ... I have heard it said that God has a Plan “B”. This always referred to the fact that because of our free will, should we choose not to go God’s way ... should we mess things up doing them in our own strength (which is very weak, indeed!) ... should we fail at whatever we are attempting to do ... whatever the reason, then we were not to worry because God has a Plan “B”. Should we mess up His Plan “A” for our lives, then rest assured and maintain your calm because God has a Plan “B”.
This was always a very reassuring prospect for me personally. It was just so reassuring knowing God had my back with His Plan “B” should I not always live my life according to His Plan “A”. I do not know about you, but I rely on His Plan “B” more than I care to admit. Maybe – just maybe – I rely on His Plan “B” too much. Has it become a way of escape– an excuse to go my own way periodically because I feel confident His Plan “B” will cover me?
The more I thought about this Plan “B”, the more it became a very uncomfortable feeling. It was leaving me uneasy in my Spirit. For a while I was not sure what this was all about. Then yesterday morning, as I was driving to work, it became very clear to me that I had to share what God laid upon my heart. He was nudging me more and more to offer understanding of why a Plan “B” is not of Him. To not share would be unfair and it would allow you to continue pressing on with the assumption that He has a Plan “B” in the same way I have done for so very long. It is placing an incorrect thought in your mind of who God is not ... He is not unaware. God does not need a Plan “B”. God has what He has, and it is adequate. It is more than adequate!
We see in Psalm 139:16 (ESV) it says, “Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.”
By all indication, God has our future all mapped out way before we are even in existence. He is already aware of our steps. He knows when we will doubt. He knows when we'll use our free will in ways not to His glory. He knows when we will falter and choose wrong thoughts. He knows when we will have self-doubts. He has already made adjustments for our failures. He already has a way of escape available for us before we even know we will need it.
Please come back next week to read, There is No Plan “B” Part Two.