Pastor Christopher Brock
May 11, 2024
1 Timothy 4:13-14, New Living Translation
“Until I get there, focus on reading the Scriptures to the church, encouraging the believers, and teaching them. Do not neglect the spiritual gift you received through the prophecy spoken over you when the elders of the church laid their hands on you.”
My wife, Coria and I were blessed to be able to attend an appreciation luncheon for local pastors earlier this week. It was refreshing to be ministered to and prayed for. With the guidance of the Hoy Spirit, Coria and I work together as lead ministers of Life With Christ Ministries. And as anyone who had done full time ministry work can tell you, doing the work of the Kingdom of God here on earth is not an easy thing. We meet resistance, discouragement, and difficulties on an almost daily basis. But, when we have ears to hear and eyes to see, we will realize that no matter what is going on, the Lord is always at work and making a way even when it seems there is no way.
While we were at the appreciation luncheon, we were each given a small card made by a local artist. The cards had scripture on them and the one I received is the verse for today. What an encouragement it was to know that the Lord knows our hearts and is working on our behalf! My wife and I have both been called and gifted to speak the Word of the Lord, and to hear the Lord directing us to continue to devote ourselves to this activity and not neglect this gift is a tremendous blessing.
Why am I sharing this with you today? Because I believe that the Lord has a message for you. I believe that the Lord wants to encourage you today. If you have been working for the Kingdom and have been experiencing the resistance and discouragement of the enemy then know this, the Lord is working in ways that you cannot even think of, and He has already won the victory! Do not grow weary and do not forsake the gifting that the Lord has given to you. If you are called to preach then preach, if you are called to sing then sing, if you are called to pray then pray! Do not stop moving forward in what the Lord has called you to do.
As for my wife and I, we will continue to seek the Lord and do what He leads us to do together. We will continue to teach, to preach, and to worship. We will continue to serve and love those who He has placed around us. Our desire is that our lives serve as a demonstration of who Jesus is. How about you?