Pastor Christopher Brock
July 20, 2024
Acts 9:5, New International Version
“’Who are you, Lord?’ Saul asked. ‘I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting,’ he replied.”
The scripture that is referenced for today’s article is a depiction of a moment in time in the life of Saul, or as we most of us know him now, Paul. Prior to this point Saul was a persecutor of Christians. He actively tracked down, persecuted, and even killed those who professed to be followers of Jesus. It seems that a person like this would be the least likely individual to be chosen to do what the Lord planned to happen. So, what happened to make this situation change? To put it simply, Saul met Jesus.
I am convinced of one thing, when a person encounters Jesus, and I mean truly meets Him in their life, then their life is never going to be the same. That single moment when they know Him will be the defining moment of their life, the “watershed” moment in which things will never be the same again. I believe that in the life of everyone who truly follows Jesus, they have experienced a moment in time in which Jesus met them and Jesus became real in their life. And, just as we see demonstrated in the life of Paul, their thoughts, behaviors, actions, and their words, all change as a result of this meeting with Christ.
I believe that when a person has truly encountered Christ and they come to know Him, their lives will be radically changed. Their actions will begin to change to reflect what has taken place in their heart and their words will also begin to change. This change may take time as they grow in maturity, but the change will come. So often, however, people get this process completely mixed up. They believe that if they begin to change their behaviors, if they start to act differently and talk differently, then Jesus will come to them. But I want you to know, it is not a change in behavior and words that brings about a relationship with Jesus, it is a relationship with Jesus that brings about a change in your behaviors and words.
I encourage you today, do not wait to ask to meet Jesus, believing that you need to “clean yourself up” first. Do not allow any more time to pass. Jesus is standing at the door of your heart, and He is knocking right now. Open the door, let Him in and meet Him. Your life will never be the same!