Pastor Christopher Brock
January 4, 2025
Ecclesiastes 3:1, New International Version
“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:”
You may have heard it said before that one of the only things that is a guarantee in life is change. There are going to be changes that take place in our lives no matter how much we try to resist it or stop it. Some people may like the excitement and uncertainty of change and there are others who much prefer the predictable and consistent. I am one who enjoys both. I love it when the Lord begins to do new things in my life, but I also appreciate the times when things are quiet and calm. For me and my family, we are in the middle of a period of a new and exciting change, and I believe that the next six months will be pivotal to what the Lord is going to do in our lives for years and even decades to come.
This past weekend, two major events happened in my life. On Saturday morning we received and accepted an offer on our house. We have had it up for sale since the summer and have just been waiting upon the Lord’s timing. While we know that we will be staying in the same local area, we are not sure exactly where we will be going at this time. We are choosing to step out on faith and trust in the Lord that He will make the way for us. We believe that He has led us to this point and that this move will lay a foundation for the next chapter in what the Lord is doing in us and through us.
Another major event happened on Sunday morning. Earlier in the year, we were approached by a local church that was in the process of seeking a new lead pastor. The founding pastor was in the process of retiring and greatly desired to see the church continue to do the work of the Lord. After months of prayer and seeking the direction of the Lord, this past Sunday, I along with my wife beside me, was installed as the new lead pastor for the church. No one could have made this happen other than the Lord as the needs of the church fit perfectly with the ways in which we can serve, while also maintaining the work of Life With Christ Ministries.
What does the future hold? We do not know… But we do know the One who holds the future. Maybe today you are reading this and you, like us, find yourself in a season of great change. If that is you then I want to remind you that we serve a wonderful God! He knows the plans He has for you, and they are good plans! Continue to trust Him and allow Him to lead and guide you as you proceed. Maybe you are reading this, and you are in a period of consistency and calmness. If that is you then I want to encourage you to enjoy this time with the Lord. Draw closer to Him and give thanks for the peace and stability that He has blessed you with. No matter what though, keep your eyes focused upon the Lord and He will make your paths straight. Amen and Amen!