The Heart of The Father
Dorcas Weaver
July 21, 2022
Psalms 103:13, NLT
“The Lord is like a father to His children. Tender and compassionate to those who fear Him.”
This verse is an incredibly beautiful picture of God's heart and how he as a father parents his children. As I look at the overwhelming job of parenting my children and my desire to see them love the Lord with all their heart and soul and mind and strength, and desire to see them change the world for His glory, this verse gives me a glimpse into how their heart will be turned toward Him. It gives me vision and excitement and a passion to show the heart of the Father to my children. The heart that God has showed to me.
Let's take a closer look at the context of who this chapter says God is. He will not accuse us nor stay angry with us. (Verse 9) He does not punish us for all our sins. (Verse 10) He is tender and compassionate. (Verse 13) He knows how weak we are. (Verse 14)
As I read the truth of how God treats me and let that sink into my heart and mind, it makes my heart well up with love and passion toward him. My heart response is automatically to praise Him for His kindness and for how much He loves me. I am in all of what an amazing Daddy I have, and my heart desires to serve Him, to give back to Him what He's giving me.
And I find myself wondering isn't this exactly what God wants to do in our hearts toward our children? To fill our hearts with kindness and compassion, gentleness and forgiveness?! Is this the key that will turn their hearts toward us and give them a desire to be obedient and to honor us?
Dear mamas and daddies, of course we aren't god! We are so far from perfect, but let us turn our hearts toward our Abba Daddy, our Father in heaven and ponder the truth of how He treats us and who He is to us! Let's become aware of who He really is and stand in awe of Him. Let's allow that truth to wash over us and through us, and it will also flow out of us toward our children!
Of course our children will face the consequences of their sins, their actions, just as we do. But let's keep our hearts free from angry accusations and let's stop those harsh cutting words before they come out of our mouth, even when it feels like they deserve them.
Abba, fill our hearts with your unfailing love and remind us how weak our children are, and how quickly these days will be gone. ((Verse 14 - 16) Father give us your unfailing love that is greater than every mistake our children make. And thank you Daddy for showing us what true love looks like! Help us to love like You love.