Helping Your Children Get a Good Spiritual Diet
Danielle Murphy
December 21, 2020

Deuteronomy 6:5-7, KJV
“And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.”
For those of us who believe in God, we know that our bodies are much more than the mere flesh and blood we look at daily in the mirror. We also know that in order to maintain our physical bodies in a good condition, we must be deliberate and mindful of the things which we put into them. So it is with our spiritual bodies and the spiritual bodies of our children.
With that in mind, I ask you today to genuinely assess yourself. Do you think that you spend enough time in the Word of God, in prayer and in fellowship to stay spiritually fit? What about your children? Surely they are too young to know just how to make good and wise choices for themselves and that is why they are put in our care.
We are foolish to assume that others, such as the church and Sunday school, will provide our children with the spiritual nutrition that they need. Let me encourage you in some ways in which you can make sure your children are getting a good spiritual diet.
First of all, we are unable to give others what we ourselves do not already possess, so if you need to be spending more time with the Lord, that must be number one. It is out of our overflowing, living relationship with God, that we are able to make Him alive to our children.
Share with your children the many testimonies you have of His faithfulness. Make them aware of the many ways God has answered your prayers in the past and present. How he has abundantly provided you with wisdom, provision and mercy.
Pray with your children every chance you get-at mealtime, bedtime and in times of need. Let them see you verbally give thanks to God when you are overwhelmed with joy for His goodness in your life. Then, feed them from the Word of God daily. I cannot express this enough, since it is in knowing the truth that we are set free. In doing so, you will begin to find that God will gives your children revelation of His word, and they will recite what they have learned in situations where the Word of God applies. It is so rewarding to see our children demonstrate their own faith and trust in God!
One of the ways we do this in our home is by having a chalkboard up in our dining room. When the talk at the table becomes idle and silly, I take a glance at the board where I have written down some scriptures and begin to discuss them with the children. We don’t merely recite the scripture, but we break it down and think of examples we see around us that bring the lesson in God’s Word to life.
It is a worthy cause to invest into not only our souls, but the souls of our children. After all, our bodies will eventually perish, but our souls will live forever. May the Holy Spirit inspire your heart in ways that you can creatively give regular doses of His Word to your children and may you be richly blessed and inspired as you watch them grow in the Lord on their own!en thou risest up.”