New Marriage
Genesis 2:24, KJV
"Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh."
The definition of “New” is, not existing before; made, introduced, or discovered recently or now for the first time. “New Marriage” is about two people who have different family backgrounds, different education and experiences, different life stories, and different personalities becoming one and committing to love each other forever. This means that they are no long a “me”, but an “us”. New marriage brings tears of joy, but it can also bring tears as a result of change. Could it be possible to maintain the passion of new love over a life time? Could it be possible to embrace all of each other’s differences and to focus entirely on giving rather than receiving? Could it be possible to have hope for a happily ever after even during times of challenge?
Join us as we explore the new marriage. We will hear and read first-hand testimonies from individuals who have experienced a new marriage from different points of view. We will explore biblical truth about the topic to see what the Lord says and we will discuss the practical ways that we can support others as they experience the process of new marriage.
Life Stories - Elisha and Danielle Murphy
I have never been driven by money in life. I saw people and relationships as having more value. Where my wife saw my neglect of a student....
Life Stories - Moses and Angela McIntosh
It’s funny, sometimes, when you think back on your childhood. There are some things you remember so clearly, and others seem to....
Life Stories - Max and Tiffany Littleton
Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh (Genesis 2:24, NIV).
Life Stories - Tommy and Rachel Delo
My name is Rachel Delo. My husband, Tommy Delo, and I were married a little over a year ago, on March 11, 2017. The early stages of.....
Life Stories - Joshua and Kayla McIntosh
Marriage is a wonderful thing. It allows you to build an everlasting foundation with your significant other. You get to experience every....
Word From Coria Brock
When God called my husband and I found Life With Christ Ministries and He told us that one of the parts of the ministry would be about marriage. I remember I asked God the following question, “Father, Chris and I both failed....
Word From Pastor Christopher Brock
I believe that so much of the concept that I had of marriage growing up was based on the American culture and “dream” of what marriage was supposed to be, rather than based on what the Lord truly created it for. I believed that...
Perspective From The Word of God - Rev. Steward Murphy
We desire to understand marriage as taught by the Holy Scriptures, and not by our societies and cultures. Marriage is a concept originated by God (Elohim) and applied to the very first man and woman, Adam and Eve.