Michelle Yarwood
Prayer Warrior and Servant of Christ
Michelle was called by the Lord to serve on the prayer and service team of CaptivesFREE.
Meaningful Verse
Proverbs 3:5-6, NIV
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”
Michelle's Life - His Testimony
Dear younger Michelle,
I want you to know that I forgive you for all of the things you have done in the past. You are no longer “that girl” and I want you to stop dwelling on those things. For Jesus has walked with you and helped you overcome so many hurdles in life.
In September of 2021, Jesus asked you, through a song, to surrender all and stop drinking beer. You cried and did just that. The denial threw a huge curve ball and tried to make you drink a short five months later, but he failed. Afterward, you had anxiety, and you went and got non-addictive medications. This time Jesus told you, that “You do not need medication, you need Me!” You never took the pill…
Both bottles are full and in the closet as a reminder of the power of God and the failure of the devil in your life. Jesus has filled you with the Holy Spirit. You no longer hear the devil and his lies.
Gone are the days of feeling alienated, inadequate, worthless, and embarrassed by who you are. The Holy Spirit has now filled you with feelings of trust, joy, hope, confidence, acceptance, and more faith than ever before!
For there is nothing in this life that you love more than Jesus. For He is victorious.
Michelle, who is in the Lord.​