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Matthew and Dorcas Weaver

Directors and Servants of Christ

Matthew and Dorcas Weaver were called by the Lord to serve as Directors on the Board of Life With Christ Ministries. They are also the founders of White Stone Ministries in Lisbon Ohio and owners of Old Towne Country Grill in Leetonia Ohio. 

Meaningful Verse

Joshua 24:15, NIV
"But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”

Ephesians 2:4, NIV
"But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved."

Matthew's Life - His Testimony

I was born into a very conservative and sheltered family. God was always a part of my life but not in a real personal way. I was very accident prone and had many broken bones, farm and auto accidents, was electrocuted, and struck with lightning, to name a few.

Life in general and especially school was very difficult for me. I gave my heart to Christ and was baptized as a teenager. I was sincere but didn't know what a personal relationship with Christ meant. I very much had a works belief... that if I didn't live life perfectly I would be punished. Also I believed that if I was in an accident and the last second I said something I shouldn't have I still may end up going to hell.

I met my wife Dorcas when I was seventeen and she was fifteen. A year later we met again at our churches youth bible school, and found ourselves drawn to each other, but didn't start seeing each other for another two years. I wasn't interested in dating except for the purpose of marriage. Before I asked Dorcas out, I got really serious with God, because I didn't want to be in a relationship unless I was certain it was of God. After dating three months, we were forced by her dad to quit seeing each other. That was a very hard and difficult time of life. Through that time, God became more real in my life. I told God during this time that if He works out the details to start seeing each other again, that would be my answer that I should marry this girl.

​During this time, I was asked if I would be willing to serve at a mission in Belize for two years. My immediate initial answer was yes, due to the fact I needed something else to focus on for awhile. My response was that I needed to discuss this with my dad, but in my heart I knew dad wouldn't keep me back from going. However, I heard this very quiet voice saying, "do exactly what your dad wants". To myself I said ok no problem, he is going to say I don't care if this is something you want to do. I was exactly correct but after saying that, my dad added, but I'm not real excited about it. I knew right there I wasn't to go, So I declined the offer. One week later I received a call from Dorcas' dad that I could resume our relationship. Six weeks later we were engaged, and got married the following spring.

I ran a commercial roofing company and Dorcas worked right with me until she was seven months pregnant. Our first child was born in 1999, in 2000 we pursued foster care and had a placement of two children for five months. In 2001 our second child was born and we decided to take a break on fostering. Shortly after our second child was born I was struck with lightning and later that year our house burnt. Here is where I believe God started to get through to me that maybe there are some open doors in my life that is allowing the devil to steal, kill and destroy. I was able to receive some help and prayer from some friends, and things seemed to shift.

In 2003, we started a weekly children's ministry at our church. A family of even siblings began coming. Their dad and grandma both had passed away, and there was no caregiver in the home. Long story short, when our fifth child was one month old, five of this sibling group moved in with us. Looking back there, a million miracles Gid did in that season, and there were moments of how did we do it?!.. Through this time the spiritual warfare in our lives went to a whole new level, which sent us on a real journey seeking God for more answers to the many issues we faced. At the same time word got out that we were available to help care for Kids who were in a bad place. Some of these children came from satanic ritual abuse, trafficking and many kinds of broken places. By 2009 we had thirteen children and our house was too small. One day I said to Dorcas, "there is a public auction at a nursing home North of Lisbon, I don't know if I am crazy or not but I want to go see what it brings." Well another long story short, we purchased it that day and that is where we operate White Stone Ministries.

Currently we work with young ladies who need a second chance at life, some with babies. We have converted some of the multiple small rooms into apartments, so they can have a private residence in a structured family environment. Along with the ministry center, we opened a restaurant for job training and a place that these young ladies can make an income. Our goal for each of them is to help each one that God brings to us to close any open doors so that the devil cannot continue to steal, and to dedicate everything in their past to God, so He can begin to use it for good and for His purposes. We are excited to take our life experiences and dedicate them to God so he can also use us in anyway He pleases here at Life with Christ Ministries.

At His service,
Matthew and Dorcas Weaver

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