Marriage Retreat
Coria Brock
November 21, 2023

A few weeks ago, the Lord gave me a thought about planning a retreat for married couples. I spent some time doing some research about the purpose of a marriage retreat. My husband and I have never been to a marriage retreat, and we were not quite sure what exactly it is that we needed to accomplish. During the searching, we found some information that led us to establish two objectives – rebuild and equip.
Is there truly a need to rebuild and equip in every marriage relationship? Maybe not the rebuilding, but I do believe there is a need for equipping! Two becoming one is never an easy process and becoming one for the glory of God requires great effort. It requires both the husband and wife drawing closer to Jesus and drawing closer to Jesus together!
I have not taken this task lightly, yet I also do not desire to put the weight of it on my own shoulders. Just as I try to always do, I sat down and I talked with my Lord about it again. Thank you Jesus, who is faithful and kind because He once again led me into His heart – the desire He has concerning this retreat. His aim is not for us to create an intensive program or impressive sounding message about how to be equipped to be a powerful couple for Jesus. Instead, He simply want us to prepare a relaxing and enjoyable time for friendship, for fellowship, to praise God, and to study His word together. In addition to these things, He also desires for us to create a time when couples can watch and observe each other and learn from each other. Just as people always say, behaviors are often more easily caught through observation rather than learned through words.Â
Even though the Lord had already given this guidance to us, my husband and I both continued looking for more guidance from the Holy Spirit. God is always faithful to respond, and His plan is wonderful just as it always is. What better way to understand what He wants than for us to first experience it ourselves? The Lord led us to receive His blessing by going on the very first marriage retreat for my husband and I. He opened up the time and blessed us with the provision for a short retreat this December. A weekend getaway that is not a vacation or for sightseeing, but a time for us to relax with a heart of expectation for Him to reveal His good, pleasing, and perfect will in our lives. It will be a time for my husband and I to be together not for parenting or ministry planning purposes, but to draw closer to Him together. To love the Lord with all our heart, all our soul, and our mind, and to love each other in the same way we love the Lord.
My dear brothers and sisters, the work never ends, and once we become a parent our responsibilities never stop. Do not wait until you have spare time to spend good quality time with your spouse, schedule it! A husband and wife only become one in heart and soul only when they are developing a closer relationship with Christ Jesus together.