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I Have Loved You With An Everlasting Love

Coria Brock

January 21, 2021

Recently, my husband did some work on a guitar that our friend had bought from a pawn shop. He did a full setup on it, cleaned it up, and replaced the strings. During the time, I noticed that he was using a cleaning cloth and cleaner to wipe down the guitar surfaces several times. He has helped work on many guitars, but this was more cleaning then I had seen him do on a guitar before. So, I asked him why he needed to do that and he replied by showing me the guitar. 

I could immediately see with my eyes the amount of dust and grime which had built up on it. Then my husband added, “This is actually a very nice and rather expensive guitar.” As I looked at it, I began to think…”Did the original owner enjoy it and play it? Of course they did, or else they would not have been willing to pay the price for it. But if they truly loved it, then how could it have come to the point of being covered with dust and the strings turning to complete rust? How long had it been laid aside, not being played or even looked at?” As I pondered this thought, I began to think about how a child does the same thing with their toys, or maybe even how this can happen in marriages… the love between a husband and wife, or even the love that we are to have for Christ…

“The LORD appeared to us in the past, saying: "I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.” (Jeremiah 31:3, NIV)

The Lord promises us that His love is everlasting. Can we make and keep that same promise? The Bible tells us that wives should love their husbands as the church loves Christ and that we are to love one another as we love the Lord (Ephesians 5:22-24, Matthew 25:40). With that in mind we must ask ourselves, do we reflect our love for Jesus in our love for our spouse? If we are honest, most will answer then by saying they do not. We can see this when we simply look around the world, even to those who know and believe Jesus, and see how they turn their backs on their spouse. Did they forget the moment when they fell in love? Did they forget the moment when they wanted to hold each other and keep each other for their entire lives? What stopped them to look at each other? What stopped them to desire each other? And why do they not enjoy the time they are together anymore?

In all these questions, they can easily blame the enemy who loves to set trapes. He may set one up called temptation, another maybe called disappointment, and another one maybe called unsatisfied, but the truth is there are many ways he can use and work through our human weaknesses. However, though he may look like a roaring lion walking around seeing who he may devour, ultimately it is us who give him that opportunity by the choices we make.

There may be many who believe in Jesus, who know His word, but still do not live out Christ’s likeness in their life. Ask yourself this question, “Am I seeking to live my life by loving the Lord and loving those around me as He loves me?”

According to what the Bible teaches us, we will make our choices based on the desires we have our mind set on. The answer to the question above will determine how we live our life and how we love one another, including how we love our spouse. Jesus, was the ultimate example of this love. He forgave our wrongdoings, He desired our good rather than His own, and He paid the highest price so that we could be set free. His compassion for us never fails but is new every morning. He promises He is always with us and He gives us His full attention, even knowing how many hairs we have on our head. He makes and keeps His promises to us and His plans are not to harm us, but to give us a hope and future…

So, husbands and wives, are you willing to make the effort just like Jesus did by paying the highest price for your spouse? Are you willing to love them like the church loves Christ, by following how Christ loves His church, so that one day you can say to your spouse, “I have loved you with an everlasting love”?​

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