Extending Love
Coria Brock
March 21, 2024

“Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins.” (1 Peter 4:8, ESV) Is this a very true statement, particularly when it is applied in marriage.
Above all, meaning more than anything else.
Keep, which means to continue.
Earnestly, which means in an earnest and serious manner. Not lightly, casually, or flippantly.
The Word of God does not give us suggestions, but a statement. It is the truth so that we can be a conqueror in life and in all the troubles of life. So, in His wisdom, He said, “More than anything, continue to love one another (in this case, your spouse) in an earnest and serious manner. Not lightly, casually, or flippantly.” This is an action, an offering we should make. If sincere love can extend over and cover a multitude of wrongdoings (sin) that cause us to be against one another, then this is what each and every relationship needs.
Let’s look at the reality of married life:
Two people who come from different backgrounds, have different preferences, live different lifestyles, and have different hopes and dreams. They begin to live together. Day and night they face the frustrations of life. They feel tired, but still try to meet each other’s needs. They work to find comfort in each other at night, yet they find they are two weary souls with tired and worn-out bodies. Marriage is nothing like what we often see on a television show or movie. Often it is displayed as two successful people living together and having a glass of red wine with music and a blanket cuddled together on a couch. The laundry needs to be done, the dishes need to be washed, and here and there in the house needs attention. Day in and day out, the lists go on and on. Then the good news of having kids comes and the demands increase. As a married couple goes through their lives together, the need for grace and self-discipline increases.
Grace is needed in the middle of the emotional storm, the unmet need, the running out of time, the need to constantly adjust the plan, and the impatience is caused by the tiredness we feel in our body and soul. Grace is required so that we can recognize and understand the weaknesses we both have and embrace each other instead. Grace helps give us strength to control our tongue and our reactions so that we do not bring hurt to one another. Instead, we speak with the words of wisdom, with an attitude of meekness, and with a desire to build up rather than tear down. This is the grace that God extends to us. While we were still sinners, He offered His love to us. His love never fails, and He never has a hidden agenda. He is earnest and serious in the way He loves us, and He never takes love lightly, casually, or flippantly. Instead, He sent His one and only Son to die on the cross for us. His Son, Jesus, laid down His life and walked through the calvary to pay the penalty for our sins. By this, we can have an everlasting life. This is the same love that is required for a long-lasting marriage.
“You are altogether beautiful, my darling; there is no flaw in you.” (Song of Songs 4:7, NIV)