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Long Lasting Marriage

Mark 10:19, ESV
"Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate."

​Today, in our modern society, marriage has different than it was even fifty years ago. At one point, a marriage was expected to last a lifetime and in order for one to end, there would need to be truly serious and justifiable circumstances. However, now marriage is often thought of as something that is expandable. When a person does not feel that they are getting what they need from a marriage much of our society simply says leave. But, is this what the Bible tells us? God created marriage between man and a woman and He has a very specific and serious purpose for it. So, how is it possible to build a marriage that will stand and last in this fallen world? 

​Join us as we explore the topic of long lasting marriage. We will hear and read first-hand testimonies from individuals who have experienced a long lasting marriage from different points of view. We will explore Biblical truth about the topic to see what the Lord says and we will discuss the practical ways that we can support each other as we strive to build a long lasting marriage that glorifies the Lord.

Perspective From The Word of God - Rev. Steward Murphy

​I have been asked, “What constitutes a long lasting marriage?” For many persons, the qualifying term long is the focus of the question, but I hear the question as, “What makes a marriage great, and what makes it survive the test ....

Word From Pastor Christopher Brock

The concept of a long-lasting marriage is one that I have had ingrained into my life or as long as I can remember. I began to develop an understanding of what a long-lasting marriage should look like as I grew up and I later ​....

Word From Coria Brock

“Long Lasting Marriage”, for much of my life this was a dream to me. Before I came to know Christ, I thought marriage represented a love which never ceased. However, in this century, it sounded impossible. At least impossible ​....

Life Story - Chuck and Paula Webber

Life is all about choices, and the choices we make determine the type of life we will live. My husband and I will be celebrating our 48th ....

Life Story - James and Barbara Hrovatic

In 1 Corinthians 13:13, it tells us to abide in faith, hope, love and that the greatest of these is love. Thirty-six years ago, I thought I had ....

Life Story - Mark and Liz Samual

Writing about marriage and what makes marriage work is a difficult assignment. Marriage is messy and there is no one-size-fits-all in ....

Life Story - Robert and Margaret Brock

There was something that happened one afternoon on May 9, 1965 that would forever change our lives. My cousin Charles Brock and ....

Life Story - Timothy and Pamela Ford

My husband and I had the privilege to attend the wedding of one of our children's best friends last weekend. I have known the ....

Also, be sure to check out the "Let The Children Speak" video series on Life With Christ TV. It contains a variety of family relationship video content from the perspective of young people. 

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