Kerry Lytle
Author and Servant of Christ
Kerry is a single mother with two young children. She has a desire to serve the Lord and minister to His people. She was called by the Lord to serve as a content developer for the Growing in Faith column, and to work as a mentor to young women and teens.
Meaningful Verse
Romans 8:28, NIV
​“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them.”
Kerry's Life - His Testimony
When I sat down to begin writing my testimony, I didn't know where to begin. The Lord has done so much for me!
I had a very blessed childhood - two awesome parents that loved both my two sisters and myself. I had never wanted for anything. I grew up Catholic and I "knew" Who Jesus was, but it was just head knowledge and not a true, intimate relationship. At the age of twelve I was sexually abused and after that had happened there followed twenty-eight years of low self-esteem, distorted body image, hating who I was, guilt, shame and no self-worth. I was always trying to "fit in" to some mold or another, always trying to either change who I was or escape from who I was. In my teens and twenties I sought out one dysfunctional relationship after another, thinking I didn't deserve any better. I developed an eating disorder as a way to "control" what was going on inside and around me and as an attempt to change what I looked like and who I was altogether. I eventually replaced one addiction with another and started drinking heavily. I went downhill quickly after that. After several failed attempts in rehab, I finally got the help I needed at a faith-based program called Teen Challenge, but more importantly, I found the One who my identity and worth was in - Jesus.
He showed me that my true identity and that I was loved, worthy, forgiven and called for a purpose. He taught me to love myself and to know that I am His masterpiece and that I am fearfully and wonderfully made! He is continuing to show me who I am in Him and how to love every part of what that looks like. I thank Jesus for every road I went down. I wouldn't change it for anything - it brought me to where I am today and who I am today. I thank Him for always having His loving Hand in mine - guiding me thru my life! I am so excited to see what Jesus is going to do next in my life!​