Kathy Hunt
Prayer Warrior and Servant of Christ
Kathy was called by the Lord to serve on the prayer and service team of The Fruitful Women and also as the teacher for the 4-9 year old group at ALL IN Youth.
Meaningful Verse
James: 4:8, NIV
“Come near to God and he will come near to you…”
Kathy's Life - His Testimony
I am sharing a small but very important part of my story, His testimony.
Almost two years ago, I went to a weekend retreat with several of my friends. My intention was to relax and spend time with close friends and pray for our increasingly crazy world. What actually happened was so much greater than anything I could ever have imagined. The theme of the retreat was seeking God, wholeheartedly. Familiar verses, which I had read many times, over many years, were suddenly infused with new life and new awareness, through the power of the Holy Spirit. Matthew 6:33 “seek ye first” and James 4:8 “draw near to God and He will draw near to you” became commands that I wanted to pursue with my whole heart.
Now, nearly two years later, our world is even crazier. Good is called evil and evil is called good. Fear and hopelessness abound and even many of those in the church are being deceived. But yet, I sense the power of God – Holy Spirit and King Jesus more than ever in my almost fifty years of being a Christian. So, my hope and my help didn’t come from my striving, but from seeking God with my whole heart. As my desire for Him grew, He responded by coming ever closer. His words are true and hold great peace and power.
I am no longer satisfied with reading a page or two from a daily devotional. I hunger and thirst for the Word and to be in a relationship with my Lord.
John 16:33 says, “In this world you will have trouble.” I still have plenty of physical and emotional pain in my life. But my God has overcome the world and troubles now, pale in comparison to what God, Almighty is doing.
My prayer is that the true body of Christ will press in to be ALL IN for Jesus!