Kerry Lytle
September 14, 2024
Isaiah 43:10, New Living Translation
"But you are my witnesses, O Israel!" says the Lord. "You are my servant. You have been chosen to know me, believe in me, and understand that I alone am God. There is no other God- there never has been, and there never will be."
What do billboards do? They represent the company or service or organization that they are advertising for. Whether it's a product, service, or idea - that organization is represented by that billboard. That billboard is a reflection of that company or organization.
Just like these billboards - You and I are a reflection of Christ. Every day – you are a walking billboard for Christ. And everything you do - how you act, where you go, what you say - is a reflection of Christ in your life. You are the lens that people are experiencing Christ through.
That may sound like a lot of pressure, but it's true. If you call yourself a Christian, you are a walking billboard for Christ. So - How are you representing Him at your job? At your school? On your ball team? How are you representing Him online?
In today's world, we have many ways to be representatives for Christ. Through the gift of technology, we can reach out to people who we might have never reached before. As small as the world has become, we can communicate effectively the Gospel of Christ without even leaving our living room.
All of us who are saved and call ourselves Christians have taken upon us the name of Jesus Christ with a commitment “to stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places”. Being a witness of Jesus Christ is having a sure, personal testimony that He is the divine Son of God, the Savior and Redeemer of the world.
So, what does being an effective billboard or witness of Jesus look like? It's in our words, attitudes, and actions on a daily basis.
"We talk of Jesus' suggests that we are not reluctant to talk about our feelings regarding Jesus in conversations and informal settings. Often these are one-on-one situations where in open and friendly ways we can discuss who He is and what He did and taught, encouraging others also to love and follow Him.
We are witnesses of Jesus Christ when we live so as to reflect what He says in the Bible.... The way we act, speak, look, and even think should reflect Him and His ways.
We are witnesses of Jesus Christ when we talk to others about our feelings about Him.
We are witnesses of Jesus Christ when we live with a happy outlook that shows our faith in Him. Sometimes, how we handle tragedies, struggles, and setbacks can be a huge witness to who Jesus is.
We are witnesses of Jesus Christ when we bear testimony to others and help them learn of and follow Him. If Jesus has ever done anything for you, then you have. Think of yourself as a walking, talking billboard for Jesus. Jesus has instructed us to be walking billboards. We are to be the evidence of God’s goodness and mercy that is revealed in Jesus Christ. God’s children become walking billboards for heaven on earth. Breathing and living beings who represent a picture of Jesus. So, we are living billboards or witnesses to the world, “The same Jesus who loved and died for me, loved and died for you—for all mankind.”
We desire for others to see God in us and realize they need Him too. The same God who lives and reigns in heaven, lives and reigns in me.
People should be able to see in us something of Jesus Christ. The way we act, speak, look, and even think will reflect Him and His ways. Be an effective billboard today!