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Kerry Lytle

November 16, 2024

Revelation 3:20, New Living Translation

"Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends"

Knocking on the door” is a nearly universal request for entrance. The verb “to knock” is an active action, not passive like waiting around for you to come outside. The verb “to knock,” is a respectful request– not a fearful force like breaking down the door and barging in. This request for entrance into the center of your life is part of the universal call of the Lord Jesus Christ.


So what are we to do when we hear Christ knocking at the door of our heart? Sometimes it can be tempting to pretend we are not home. Or maybe we don't even hear the knock at all because our thoughts, worries, or listening to the world around us is too loud to hear His knock. Inviting Jesus in means that we are willing to give up control and that can be pretty scary. What if Jesus wants to rearrange the furniture? Or what if Jesus doesn’t like the same television shows that I like? What if Jesus asks me to do something that I don’t want to do?


In some ways, these concerns are legitimate. When Jesus enters into our lives, we are faced with the truth that not all of our decisions are good for us. Recognizing this truth means that we will need to make some changes, and this can be difficult to accept. No one likes to change and change can be scary, but Jesus loves us and only wants the very best for us. So, if He sees something that needs changed in our lives it's only to give us an even better life.


Tempted to ignore His knock? Before you do, remember why Jesus wants to be part of your life in the first place. Jesus wants to love you. Sometimes, out of love, Jesus calls us to recognize how certain choices we make cause pain and hurt. But even in revealing our brokenness, Jesus will always walk patiently with us. And more importantly, Jesus will offer His healing love to transform the areas of our lives that are broken.


What about you? Jesus is knocking on your heart’s door.  Did you hear the knock? Jesus’ knock—the knock that calls us to repentance and restoration? If so, what will you do? Will you have an ear to hear what Jesus is saying? Could this be your last opportunity to respond? Maybe, maybe not! Only God knows what our future holds, and what lies ahead for each of us.


We do know one thing for sure: Jesus loves us enough to send a loud knock to the doors of our hearts. Then, Jesus leaves us to decide whether we will respond or not. He knows what’s ahead for us if we respond or if we don’t. 


One of the most certain truths in the world is that Jesus Christ is coming again. Will you be ready? Have you opened your heart’s door—the center of your understanding—the center of your life? Or have you shut him out? I urge you, answer that knock when you hear it!

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