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Coria Brock

February 1, 2025

Ephesians 4:27, New International Version

“…do not give the devil a foothold.”

Over the past several weeks, the Lord led me to write about understanding the Devil’s work. I believe this is one of the reasons:


“Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. For it is shameful even to speak of the things that they do in secret. But when anything is exposed by the light, it becomes visible, for anything that becomes visible is light.” (Ephesians 5:11-14, ESV)


The Lord does not desire to see His creation held captive by the darkness with no understanding. He desires to see His people no longer be slaves, and He seeks for His children to turn their hearts to the Father. God also knows we all have a sinful nature, He understands our weaknesses, and He knows how easily our flesh gives into the pattern of this world. So, He sent His Son to pay the debt that no one else could pay. He also sends His Spirit to all who seek to walk towards eternal life, to bring us to all the truth and set us free from the wages of sin – death. However, there are still many eyes who have not seen, ears who have not heard, and hearts which have not understood and received. The scales over their eyes blind them and they do not know what they are doing. (Acts 9:18, Luke 23:34) Today, I have been called to clearly tell you the truth: whether you believe Jesus and the Devil are real or not, it does not change the truth that they exist. Whether you recognize you are standing in a battlefield – the world, or not, you are being attacked by the enemy – the devil. He will never stop accusing you, lying to you, tricking you, and making traps to kill, steal, and destroy you. The difference you can make is this: Be wise and fight a good fight. Or you can continue to be stubborn and ignorant and be destroyed from lack of knowledge. (Hosea 4:6) What knowledge? “... My people are being destroyed because they don’t know me.” The knowledge is the knowledge of God, the relationship with Him!


Listen! When we are in disobedience to God we are giving the enemy much greater access to attack our life. We are presenting him with a wide-open door to lie, to trick, to set traps to kill, steal, and destroy us. When you come to the throne of God (the Judgement Day), He can accuse you of all your unrighteousness and your sin and you will have no excuses which can justify them. Your disobedience will also be shown in the fact that you have no relationship with Jesus, you have not accepted Him to pay for the penalty of your sin. You haven’t given Him the right to represent you and be your mediator before the Judge. Now and then, you are choosing the path of separation from God. Christ is the Light, the Life, the Peace, the Joy, and the Love, so what will you have then? Darkness, death, unrest, sadness, hatred?


What are you looking for the rest of your life? What are you seeking for all of eternity? May you choose wisely!

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