Pastor Christopher Brock
September 28, 2024
John 14:30-31, New International Version
“I will not say much more to you, for the prince of this world is coming. He has no hold over me, but he comes so that the world may learn that I love the Father and do exactly what my Father has commanded me.”
One of the key things that we try to teach our kids when they tell us that they love us is the way in which they show their love to us. Oftentimes, they will make things for us or tell us about things they did for us. These are wonderful things, and we treasure them all, however there is one thing that our children can do that demonstrates their love for us more than any other thing—and that is obedience.
One of the things that God’s Word teaches us is that true love desires to be obedient. Throughout the Bible, we see God looking for and working through those who desire to be obedient to the things that God has commanded them to do. Through the actions of people like Noah, Moses, Nehemiah, and many others, we can see that when people truly love the Lord, they will obey the things that the Lord tells them to do. This is not only limited to the commands that God has given to us through the Bible, but also in the direction that God gives to us through the Holy Spirit each and every day.
Unfortunately, there are so many people who profess their love for the Lord, and go through the process to demonstrate that love, but when it comes to truly obeying what He is calling them to do and submitting their lives to the Lordship of God, they refuse. It is understandable that with everyone there is a maturing process that occurs. Again, when we look at our children, we can see that when they were only a few years old they could not understand many things and needed to be taught. However, as they grow and come to an age of accountability and understanding, the expectation begins to change. Just as a teenager does not drink only milk anymore, so should the Christian also grow and move onto more substantial things. There are few things that the Christian can embrace that are as meaningful and important as obedience to the Father.
The time has come in our lives to begin to put away childish things and grow in the Lord. Ask yourself, do you love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind? I believe that many would say yes to that question. However, the telling test that we can apply to determine if it is true is to also ask ourselves this question, do you obey what He tells you? Remember, the Bible tells us over and over, if you love the Lord then you will obey the Lord. You cannot say you love Christ without also desiring to obey Him. Jesus loved His Father, and He not only said He loved Him but His love was shown through His absolute obedience to what His Father commanded Him to do. Examine your life today, be honest, and ask the Holy Spirit to help you change so that you can become more like Christ.