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Pastor Christopher Brock

October 19, 2024

Proverbs 17:9, New International Version

“Whoever would foster love covers over an offense, but whoever repeats the matter separates close friends.”

Every one of us has relationships with other people. For most of us, our relationships involve family members and friends. Others may spend most of their time with co-workers or fellow students. No matter what kind of relationships we each have or who we have relationships with there is one thing that is true for every single one of us, we will face conflict at some point or another. This conflict may come as a result of a disagreement about a topic, or about how to move forward in an effort. It may involve some type of hurt or neglect that has occurred in the relationship. Sometimes, it may be as a result of selfishness or anger, but what is true regardless of the cause is that conflict is not something anyone enjoys in a relationship. How do we deal with the conflict that occurs in relationships and how can we demonstrate the love of Christ when we are placed in these types of positions?


The Bible is a book that is full of stories about conflict. These stories demonstrate people who have different beliefs and motivations and how they react to the situations that they find themselves in. The world also has much to say about conflicts and how they should be handled. As I have so often seen, the instruction that the Lord gives us is the exact opposite of the instruction that the world would have us follow. I believe that many people in the world believe that it is best to “win” when it comes to conflict. They desire to defeat their opponent in order to win the argument and prove that they are right. So many friendships and relationships have been shattered because someone could not stop fighting to be right. They may have won the argument, but in the process, they destroyed the relationship. I can see this behavior in my children all of the time. They each want to be right, and they each want to “win” and if they were not stopped they would end up saying somethings that would be very hurtful to each other.


The truth of God’s Word however tells us a different approach. When we find ourselves in conflict we should respond with love. Our desire should be to demonstrate the love of Christ to the people who we are in relationship with and grow our relationship with them, and this desire should outweigh the desire to win an argument. This does not however mean that we compromise our own beliefs and convictions, but instead simply means that we put the joy of others above our own.


Today as you go through your routine and as you interact with the people you do, life will be on guard. Look for those conflicts that are occurring in your life and in your relationships and sincerely consider how you react to them. Are you reacting with love or are you reacting

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