Pastor Christopher Brock
April 13, 2024
Proverbs 3:6, New King James Version
“In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.”
When we have a desire to go deeper in the Lord, we will undoubtedly meet resistance. Circumstances in our life may begin to arise which try to prevent us from making progress. Conflicts seem to always arise that try to pull our attention away from the things that we know we need to be doing. Those may be scheduling issues, relationship issues, or financial issues. Often these things may be legitimate concerns that need to be addressed. How then are we able to balance the demands that life brings into our path with the desire and the need to grow in our relationship with the Lord?
One of the things that I have learnt in my walk-through life is that when we try to compartmentalize our relationship with Christ from the life that we live day to day, we will never truly grow closer to Him, nor will we ever truly find victory over the struggles of this world. We must instead invite Christ to be in every part of our life. We must begin to take Christ with us wherever we go and whatever we are doing. When we start to view Christ as a part of every area of our lives, we will start to see Him show up in those areas of our lives that we previously did not see Him in.
One of the areas in my own life that I tried to keep separate from Him for many years was the area of my personal finances. I believed that I was able to handle the management of my finances on my own and could do it well. From a worldly standpoint, I was doing well. But I never had peace, I never had contentment, and I always was afraid that something would happen. It was on me to maintain the lifestyle I had established for myself. The day, however, came when things began to happen that were outside of my control and I found myself in a place of serious financial distress. Christ is the only One who can provide the hope, joy, and peace that I was seeking.
I hope that today, you remember that no matter what work you may be doing or what efforts you may be involved in, Jesus wants you to give it to Him. He doesn’t just want you time for an hour each week, He wants to be intimately involved in every aspect of your life. Seek Him today with your whole heart and surrender it all to Him and He will make your paths straight.