Heidi Davis and Dianna Isabella
September 23, 2023
Isaiah 53:5, Berean Standard Bible
“But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed.”
God’s Healing Part Two
Heidi and I sat by each other on the couch for service, and a little boy in foster care that we have come to know and deeply love sat with us. We will call him C and he is only seven years old and has gone through horrific abuse in his former home. Service started and I was struggling to find a position where I was comfortable and spent the duration of service with tears streaming down my face because the pain was so severe. About halfway through Pastor Gary’s message, I started feeling something odd in my cervical spine that I had never experienced before. One by one, the vertebrae in my spine and neck began “popping” and I had no idea why this was happening. After the message, Heidi asked me to stay put because little C was going to lay hands on my spine and pray for me. This beautiful little boy proceeded to place his hand directly on the area of my spine where all the damage noted in the report existed and he prayed. This was profound to me because at no time ever did anybody direct him as to where he needed to lay hands. It was as if he already knew. We had lunch together after and little C refused to leave my side for the duration of lunch.
My nightly routine had become muscle relaxers, naproxen, and a heating pad every single night coupled with sleeping in an upright position just so I could achieve some small measure of relief and get some rest. Sunday night when I went upstairs to bed, I reached for my muscle relaxers, and as I did, I quietly heard the Lord say to me, “You don’t need those”. I left the bottle on my nightstand and proceeded to get into bed with no medication.
Monday morning at 7:20 am my doctor called me and told me that I was being sent for additional imaging studies to further corroborate the initial findings and help them decide the best course of action for what was seen. Oddly enough, when I was fully awake and got out of bed, I noticed immediately that I had no pain in my spine or neck, the swelling that had been present for two months was gone, and I had full mobility once again in my neck and back.
I worked for a few hours Monday morning and headed out to my doctor’s office for the additional imaging. Over the course of the next few days (leading up to today), the pain never returned, my mobility stayed normal, and the swelling continued to be completely gone.
This morning, my imaging reports came through, and I could not believe what I was reading. My initial report from the 17th was two pages long with multiple abnormalities noted. My imaging report from today is less than half a page, with no abnormalities noted except the mild degenerative changes that have been present since 2019. You can see it for yourself in the pictures. To say I stood in my kitchen crying hysterically in joy and in utter awe of God would be an understatement. I sit here writing this still in awe of what Jesus has done, and through the hands and simple prayers of a seven-year-old little boy.
Faith as a child. (Matthew 18:2-4)
Listen to me…… Jesus still heals. There is no earthly explanation for the vast changes in my reports. No medical explanation whatsoever for how this has happened. Not one. Not one! In Isaiah 53, when God says that “By His stripes, we are healed”, He means every single word of that. Not we will be healed. Not we can be healed. Not if the “spiritually elite lay hands on you and you are healed”. By His stripes (wounds), we are healed!
Jesus already paid for our healing. It doesn’t take a pastor, a prophet, some super spiritual rituals, anybody’s “permission”, or any amount of begging or pleading with God for us to be healed. All it takes is an assurance of His promises being true (which every single one of them are) and faith like a child to see the miracles of God come forth.
Jesus used the simple faith and prayers of seven-year-old little C to heal my spine. All I had to do was receive His healing that He already bought and paid for over two thousand years ago when He died on the cross and rose from the dead. All I had to do is have faith as a child that what He has spoken, He will do. The medical reports you see below are definitive proof that God still heals and that all I am saying to you is true.
If you are in a place of unbelief and questioning whether God is real and if He indeed is good, I pray that my testimony will light a fire in your soul and help you to truly see that indeed, God is real, and He is always good.
Everything you need in this life and beyond is available to you through Jesus Christ. You simply need to trust and believe in Him.
See Isaiah 53, all glory to Jesus, I will never be the same!