Bren Ward
October 14, 2023
Revelation 19:7, English Standard Version
“Let us rejoice and exult and give him the glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his Bride has made herself ready.”
A Prophecy Part Two
I knew when those called to their roles were sent forth, after having gone through a time of consecrations and inner transformation, they would not function in the ways we think or have become used to. These marks of the apostles and prophets, signs, wonders and miracles had not yet been conceptualized in the mind of man. Our limited understanding of their office, their call, their function will be changed; this will prevent the work of the flesh from arising in man's efforts to duplicate that which He alone wills into being.
In order for this to be brought about, His Bride was being called, like Nehemiah to look at the rubble before her, to assess the damage, to pray relationally and abide in His love, remembering His promises which will bring her into His manifest presence. It was then through His Spirit I remembered Adam and Eve in the garden. I came to understand through the nature of the fall they and their descendants had built their own temple, which was tainted with fleshly understanding, the nature of unredeemed mankind. I was aware that through the generations since Christ His bride had gone through a fleshy, so to speak, stage of building the temple by faith; she had done that which she thought she was supposed to do with an earnest heart. Through His love for her, Father God's Spirit was returning her to His enclosed garden of Paradise. I saw she had been brought to maturity and was ready to be given to her Bridegroom that they might become one.
The next great move of His Spirit would be the Bride Groom and His bride moving as One in the Spirit of Unity. He showed me the garden she had been taken from; it was polluted. I asked, "Why is her garden polluted?" He replied, "Her garden had been a public garden exposed for all to come through. She has chosen to abide there to be seen, that others may partake of the work of her hands rather than abiding in My garden that we may drink of living waters and flow together as One. "It was then I saw a great 'body' of people crying to the Lord for forgiveness for the sins of the world, abortion, drugs, porno and the like. This body was running to and from carrying many issues, making demands, pointing fingers, commanding: "Keep God's Laws". Grieved... Father spoke: "She has forgotten from where she came, she was saved through My grace. She has forgotten I and I alone give her power to keep My law of love. How can she expect others to do what she can only do through the grace of My Spirit awakened within her? She has forgotten only My Holy Spirit can convict someone of their sin and of My love. She has forgotten she is to preach the good news; the Gospel of My Kingdom; the living words of My Son, Jesus the Christ. She has forgotten, she is to allow Me to raise up My standard through her lifestyle of My living through her as she dies to the old ways, that she might find her new life hid in Christ, through our union. As she does, those who are lost will hear and see and be drawn by My love. She has forgotten she was created to walk in My love."
I saw deep within my Spirit this 'body' was not yet fully separate from the flesh of nature; from the world's way of thinking and being, as He said to me, "I hear many who cry from among them repeatedly begging me: 'Lord, we have humbled ourselves and repented. Heal our land!' Yet some who cry out are not repenting for their own sin but for the sins of the world; of those they see without compassion; separate from themselves. They are afraid My judgment will come upon them because of the sins of another. They do not yet know Me in my fullness. Did I not protect My people in the land of Goshen when My judgments exposed the false God's of Egypt? Because this body cannot see their own sin, I am exposing sin among their own, through their leaders, for judgment begins in the household of God. If I do not bring in My light the blind will continue to lead the blind. Come out from among them lest you become one with their sinful ways."
Suddenly, His Spirit burned within me a greater awareness of His desires to heal our land, our personal lives. A greater awareness of His work which had already begun and would come to fruition through the ways He knew were best; ways we might not understand, but ways we could trust He would work out for the good in the end. It was then I became aware of the sins of many, rooted in unbelief, which resulted in lies, abuse, perversion, hate, spiritual death, fears and other dark deeds of the heart. I heard the Lord say: "I have turned them over to their own will, to a reprobate mind, that they might come to the end of themselves and choose life and it more abundantly through Christ. I do not desire the generation of those who would remain in darkness and inner turmoil to prosper in their present state. Do they not have a choice? Is not my law of love written within their hearts, within their conscience that they might discern good from evil? Can they not return to Me and My ways and repent whenever they are convicted by My love, of the grace I offer them? When they do, My bride must be ready. She must be a city of refuge, a brilliant city set upon My holy mountain for all to see My indwelling presence. Through our spirit of unity, I draw them to be nurtured and loved; My bride and I having become as One."
Please come back next week to read A Prophecy Part Three