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January 27, 2024

Luke 23:43, New International Version

“Jesus answered him, ‘Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.’”


One Thursday night at my Sunday church midweek service a friend of mine shared a testimony that has been heavy on my heart all week.


She recently began end-of-life care as a private duty caregiver and had her first hospice patients.


I can’t do the story justice, but she had two patients in two different locations. Both times she simply asked if they knew that Jesus was the only way to heaven. Both times they said no. Both times she shared scriptures with them. Both times they asked Jesus into their hearts. Both times when the doctors and family said they were too drugged to understand God gave them perfect clarity of mind and clarity of speech. Both times God cleared the room giving them just enough time to get another name written down in the Lamb’s Book of Life. Both times their whole eternity changed because some caregiver asked the ultimate question.


Now I know not everyone believes as I do. I know there are those who would be critical saying this is proselyting. But somebody’s whole eternity changed because some worker dared to be concerned about their eternity, as well as their present comfort.


We live in a day of wars and rumors of war. We live in a day of prophecy playing out right before us. Anyone who has heard anything about the Bible at all should have some interest as to what the truth is about what is going on and their own future.


Yet these two people, in the last moments of their life, were able to change their whole eternal destiny.


I find that amazing!


There have been people who I have loved, (who have spent their whole life saying no to Jesus) that I was able to see be reconciled back to him in that last season of their lives. This gives my heart great joy!


I will see them again someday!


It’s easy to think that I deserve heaven. I have known the Lord and served the Lord my whole life. But to see the grace and mercy of an amazing God who welcomes a person into His kingdom and presence in their last days here on earth is just amazing!


I have been deeply challenged to be quicker to ask the question: Do you know Jesus?


May 2024 be our greatest soul-winning year for the kingdom of God!


For in Christ, there is no fear of death!

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