Kerry Lytle
November 11, 2023
Hebrews 13:8, New Living Translation
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever"
“For I am the LORD, I do not change” (Malachi 3:6 NKJV). Aren’t you glad that the Lord does not change? Jehovah is never changing. This is a difficult concept to understand because we change all the time. Things around us change all the time. We are living in a changing world. Life for us means change. We go through changing phases of our life as we grow older. So, when we see the verse that the Lord does not change, it’s a hard saying but we can rejoice in that truth. When everything else is changing, God doesn’t change. His Word does not change. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. God does not change. It’s our revelation of Him that grows. We learn more about Him today than we knew about Him yesterday. So, when things seem to be in an upheaval, and nothing remains the same in your life—remember Jesus doesn’t change. He is your rock—your foundation on which your life rests. The only constant in Life is Jesus.
There is one constant that we can be assured of in our lives and that is God’s unchanging manner. In Hebrews 13:8 we read, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” As we observe our lives and the lives of those around us, this may not be obvious in our human outlook. But as we observe God in our lives, we can know that God’s love for us never, ever, changes. His blessings are always there; sometimes we just need to look a little more intensely to see them.
It does not get any simpler than this:
God is our anchor in the storms of change. Every day, we can find strength in the one who never changes. God is the only constant in Life. God is our Source.
We can Trust God each day being certain that Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
The same God who parted the waters of the red sea is still the same God Today.
God never changes.
Numbers 23:19 says, "God is not a man, that He should lie, or a son of man, that He should change His mind. Does He speak and not act? Does He promise and not fulfill?"
God is faithful.
We can look to God each day for strength, hope, peace, encouragement and comfort no matter what our circumstances may be.
Each day, we can Trust God with everything that concerns us.
God is the only constant in life.
He is the God of grace and the God of hope.