Kerry Lytle
January 6, 2024
Philippians 4:8, New Living Translation
“And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise."
Whether it be TV shows, movies, music, or social media, I have found that any of those things can quickly become a gateway to allow way too much garbage into our lives if we aren't careful.
We have to remember that what we feed our minds ultimately impacts our words and actions.
The Bible tells us in Philippians 4 the kinds of things we should dwell on.
But what if we dwell on things that aren’t pure? Aren't they honorable? Aren't they worthy of praise? Well, as humans, our minds tend to dwell on something. So, if we aren’t intentionally working to dwell on the things that feed our souls good soul-food, then our brains are likely to dwell on the stuff that pours in negativity, crudeness, worry, and all other sorts of junky soul-food.
If we constantly feed our minds with violence, sex, drugs, alcohol or any other worldly thing in the forms of music, television, movies, video games, and social media, eventually it will be those types of things that pour from our hearts, our mouths, and our lives.
God tells us “… For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” (Matthew 12:34b) Whatever is filling your heart and mind will come out in your thoughts, words, and eventually actions.
We have to be on guard of the junky soul food that can easily pop up in our lives. We need to be consistent with feeding our spirit and soul with the wholesome goodness of God's Word.
Spending time reading, studying, listening to God’s Word fills our hearts and minds with things that will overflow in our speech and actions.
As a Christian, seek God’s convicting power to be at work in your life to expose any area in your life that may invite any unwanted junk. Then resolve in your heart to walk in the Spirit and ask for God’s grace to enable and assist you in your desire to live a life glorifying God.
To do this we must practice various spiritual disciplines, such as attending weekly worship services, praying, and having a daily quiet time with the Lord. That may seem like a lot of work, but it isn’t. These eventually become part of your life, and pretty soon you can’t imagine a day without them. Do these things and the amount of spiritual junk in your life will diminish.
The best thing we can offer God is an undivided heart. God is looking for people who are willing to put Him first, to push away distractions and make Jesus central. When we are willing to live a life according to God’s instructions, we will receive the favor and blessings of God and have the peace that transcends all understanding.