Kerry Lytle
August 26, 2023
Proverbs 17:22, New Living Translation
"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength."
What does the Bible say about laughter? When was the last time you laughed? A good heartfelt belly laugh? Was it one of those times when you held your stomach as the laughs continued? Studies show that laughter can release endorphins into the body. Those endorphins can stimulate the heart and lungs and help us relax. Have you ever wondered “What does the Bible say about laughter?” We are called to share the love of God with others. Can we share that love through laughter?
Think about the times you have laughed. Whether an experience brought the laughs or something you thought about made you laugh, think about how you felt at that time. Have there been times when you have tried to cheer someone by making them laugh?
Our thoughts can become filled with worry and sadness due to various reasons. Even in a time of sorrow, there may be an opportunity to think about a joyful time shared. Thinking about those joyful times can bring laughter.
Laughter has the ability to renew and refresh our souls. The effort the body makes to produce laughter helps the body change from tense to relaxed. We take a different view or attitude when laughter fills the body.
Having the ability to laugh out loud or to share laughter with others can give us time to connect and share the love of God. Laughter truly is good for the soul.
So, why is laughter so important? Laughter is important for everyone. As Christians, we show our joy through words and actions. One of those actions is laughter. God wants His children to have joy. He wants us to know His love and glory. Through sharing laughter with others, we are giving opportunities for developing relationships. When we think about the many blessings and gifts from God, we can give thanks to the Father.
I am thankful God gives me opportunities to laugh at myself. When I laugh at myself it makes the situation less stressful and not as bad.
Laughter helps others see that Christians are filled with all emotions. We are joyful at times and sad at other times. Yet, we have the hope that is found in God. We can always rejoice in Him (Philippians 4:4)
Of course, there is a time to laugh and a time to be serious. The Bible tells us there is a time to weep and a time to laugh (Ecclesiastes 3:4 NIV). And we should never laugh at the expense of another person. The Bible never tells us to laugh at inappropriate situations. The Bible never tells us to laugh or condemn another person by laughing at them.
Stressful days can invite comic relief. Doctors realize that laughter can enhance physical and mental health. Now it seems even looking forward to laughter can be good for you.
Laughter can truly be a great medicine for the mind, body, and soul.
Father, thank You for the gift of laughter. You weep with us when we weep, and You laugh with us when we laugh. Thank You for giving us the opportunity to share Your love with others through laughter.
So, go out and have a good laugh!!!