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Coria Brock

July 27, 2024

Genesis 37: 5, New International Version

“Joseph had a dream, and when he told it to his brothers, they hated him all the more.”

There are many theories about why we dream, and it is a topic people actively research. Through dreaming we access our memories, our subconscious stress or desires… sometimes it may be a very creative story that involves imagination, reactions, and emotion. However, there can also be dreams which are given by the Creator – our God and contain a divine meaning. (Joel 2:28, Numbers 12:6, Daniel 1:17) This happened to Joseph, the son of Jacob. The Lord God almighty gave him dreams about the future, not only about him– but all of Israel as well.


Did Joseph fully understand the dreams when he had them? Did he know if the dreams were from God and if they had divine meaning? Was he aware that they were prophetic and that he should take them sincerely? The Bible does not indicate how Joseph perceived them, yet he may have been too young to understand them as well. But to us, a reader and a follower of Christ, we can possibly gain some insight through what was happening at this point in Joseph’s life.


First and foremost, we should pay attention if the Lord is speaking to us. His sheep listen to His voice whether in dream or in vision. He can deliver His message in many ways. (John 10:27, Hebrews 1:1)


Second, we should not take the word that the Lord has spoken lightly. We do not need a specialist to help us to recognize whether a dream is from the Lord or not. When God gives us a dream, He shall have His purpose, and there is no reason for Him to withhold the meaning. If we seek Him with our heart, He will reveal it. (Genesis 40:8, Daniel 2:14-45)


Third, be aware of dream killers. The dreams that God gives are always built on the foundation of God. In this world, there are people who do not know the will of God, nor do they know Him or His way. There is also one who comes to kill, steal, and destroy – the enemy of God. Whether it is those who do not know God or those who are against God, both are not in alignment with the will of God. As the Bible says, “For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing…” (1 Corinthians 1:18, ESV) “… O foolish and senseless people, who have eyes, but see not, who have ears, but hear not.” (Jeremiah 5:21, ESV) “My people are being destroyed because they don’t know me…” (Hosea 4:6, NLT) They are just like the brothers of Joseph, lacking knowledge and rejecting to walk in the goodness of God. Instead, they follow their flesh, which is jealous, envy, and acting on evil… (Galatians 5:19-23)


My dear brothers and sisters, God created us with a purpose and plan. He brings forth His will in various ways in order to accomplish His glorious and rich agenda. Your life is more valuable than the world says it is, and your life’s meaning is God-given. So, take heart and do not lose sight of the things that are of God.

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